Whoo! What A Month!
January 1, 1970
Writing news: Working on the revisions of my first draft for the multi-cultural book. Can't wait to tell you the title - it's awesome! Can't wait till it gets in the hands of the illustrator, too! I'm very, very happy with this book. It's been a year of researching and writing and I have a wonderful editor. This has been a true team effort.Boxing news: Jimmy Lange, my niece's husband did very well in the fan favorite's voting - very well! Thank you for all your support and for voting! Tune in tomorrow evening Tuesday, May 24th for the live Contender Show in which you will see him box!
Blues news: Well, this is news. Who knows where research and writing will lead. For me, it has led to becoming the manager/pr/booking agent for Phil Guy, the brother of Buddy Guy who was just inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Phil Guy is just as accomplished and world renowned as his older brother, Buddy - however he has not had the proper representation and promotion as someone of his talents should have had. I'm branching out. Will continue writing as always - now there will be more to write about. Phil Guy and I will be co-authoring an adult book on him and Buddy. Pretty darn exciting!!!